Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010


Happiness. This is the ending that the author would expect from this book. Yep! Happiness is assembled from planks scattered eposide life. Happiness is achieved faster than the travel times reasonable. Happiness is achieved thanks to small businesses. The happiness that is felt, not just a word coincidence.
Right left hockey. That does not mean only talking about the problem front and back, top down, is not it! but a "siloka" that all directions of life, simply described with two words, right and left. While the word hockey? It has become something that is familiar, whether it's among teenagers, children and even the CHILDREN (baby fifty years and over), if the name hockey, something that is expected to start getting out of bed until sleep again. Not luck, but really lucky, those students more specific with the word blessing, increasing goodness. Do not know what version my friend.Explosion small explosion that will make my friend stunned, wide-eyed, angry, smile, or maybe cry will mate find in this book. Decree anything that unusual, strange, nyelene or maybe something that can not be too biased mate enjoy as they pleased. When my friend received monggo, if not, ora opo-opo. Because, the authors believe, when my friend grabbed this book to read, clever title for my friend already got.Finally, not many writers can serve, but this daribuku pal refractive do many things. Not perfect what is featured in this book, and my friend who perfected it with a quality movement. And this is not the best choice, but the bias sobatlah determine in which direction and what is best for my friend's life. Congratulations menembbus limits, break the handcuff impossibility of life pal. With a definite step.

Teens indeed remarkable

Do not treat the greatness of thinking just to deal with love, lovers, especially football. Nor should you treat the power of your brain for something useless. Especially you use common cerdikmu only to attract a lover. Or hunt for a woman beloved. A futility.Now there was a bit of class and munafiqin kufar that with all sorts of destructive ways of religious belief. They try to spread their vile discourses that often advocates against Islam. So Take this opportunity to empower your brain greatness. Use your wits to subvert various thoughts nyelene Muslim brothers that his thinking had been poisoned filsapat west. Even if you are able, help your brother in syiar. Which itself requires a lot of powerful thinkers.Then, how to empower that mindset? Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani Nashaihul Ibad cites in his book narrative jumhur the scholars that think it is divided into five terms.First: a lot of thinking about the signs that show God's power, in order of birth of monotheism and belief in God is steady. Allah says: And He it is down rain from the sky, then we grow with it all kinds of vegetation, then we remove it from the plants that are green plants, we remove it from the green plant that point that a lot, and from Virgin parse dates that menjulai stems, and vineyards, and (We spend too), olives and pomegranates similar and which are not similar. Consider the fruit on the tree time to bear fruit, and (note also the) maturity. Verily in this there are signs that (the power of God) for those who believe. (Al-An 'aam, 99)Second: Think of all the pleasures that God has bestowed, so that was born of love and gratitude to God. God has said and let you ask forgiveness of your Lord and repent to Him. (If you do that so), He will give a good pleasure (continuous) to you until the appointed time and He will give to each person who has the virtue (reply) preferment. If you turn away, then verily I fear for you the torment of the Day of Resurrection will be overwritten. (Hud, 3)Third, think about the promises of God, thus was born the love of the hereafter. Allah says, "Verily Allah has purchased of the believers, themselves and their property by providing a heaven for them. They fight in Allah's way, then they kill or be killed. (It has become) the true promise of God in the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur'an. And who better to keep his promise (other) than Allah? So rejoice in the bargain which ye have done it, and that's a big victory. (At-Tauba, 111)Fourth, think about the threats of God, so that was born for fear of Allah. God has said, "Surely those who disbelieve, their belongings and their children, the least can not reject the (punishment) of God from them. And they are fuel of hell fire "(Ali Imran, 10)Fifth, think challenge the extent to which obedience to God, but God is always doing good to him, so the birth excitement in worship. Ne has said: "Say:" Verily I am commanded to worship Allah with obedience to Him purify the (running) religion. (Az Zumar.11)"God Protected persons who believe, He took them from the darkness (disbelief) to the light (of faith). And those who disbelieve, patron-protector is the prince of darkness, who put them out of light to the darkness (disbelief). They are companions of the Fire: they will abide therein. (Al-Baqarah, 257)
If the thought of thine hand to do something great and wonderful, why spoil?Spoiled in the world is like going to the fields to sit on my hands. When people spread their seed (seeking knowledge). Hoeing and plowing. (Charitable pious). Fertilize crops (refine charity). Mencabit grass (repent / reduce sin). Which are all sweaty tired holding sore, tired, and thirsty (sacrificial). While the spoiled whistle ria (talkative). Seeking a hut for shelter (busy building a house / palace). Flutter-ngipas expel hot body (fun). Then the wind caressed the fields of sleep remedy, (love the world and forget the hereafter).Spoiled in the world also like people to go to sea to have fun. When people are busy spreading the hook (look for opportunities to worship). Stretch nets (syiar da'wah). Sowing bait (Zakat, infaq and Sodakoh). Interesting load (jihad). Back and forth (move toward goodness). Meanwhile, the spoiled only looked at the sea bed (busy considering the world). Inhaling the cool air (reap wealth). Staring at the beautiful islands (enchanted lust). And said, "Oh ... beautiful!""Every soul shall experience death. And indeed at the last day alone credit is enhanced. Whoever kept away from hell and put into heaven, then indeed he has been lucky. Life world is nothing but a deceptive pleasure. "(Ali Imran, 185)Is there any desire to live in the world with kemaanjaan. Whereas in the world where farming dalah charity. Maintain sincere. Nurture faith. Enhance worship. And cemented ukhuwah. The world is also a place to spread kindness. Spanning kinship. United in the ranks of jihad. And purify the obedience to Allah, His Apostle, Ulama and the leaders of the pious."O ye who believe, fear Allah really true piety to him, and let not your time to die, but in an Islamic religious state." (Ali Imran, 102)Let the world feel the bitterness and suffering all forms of life. From start to intimidation, ridicule, condemnation, contempt, to torture and even murder. As long as this self is always straight in the path of Allah. When in heaven one day full of happiness and eternal indulgence, why should be spoiled in the world?Spoiled in life is a sign of stupidity of a servant. Spot humiliation. Symbols keterlenaan. Seed suffering. Even the stock woes. Because the justice of God covers the life of the heavens and the earth. Land, sea and sky. Even the world and the hereafter. If a servant is more like fun and kemanjaannya in the world. So please accept treatment that menghinakannya afterlife.But for people who are willing to sweat tired of collecting provisions for the afterlife. It is only fitting he's enjoying the results of his labors. All the fun that he never felt in the world, he feels entitled. All the comforting familiarity of life that never dikecapnya, he enjoyed it. Really, lucky ortang more familiar nature of real life. Namely those who know that the world just to wander and the hereafter is life eternal. May we include one of them. Amen."And look at what God has given unto you (happiness) in the Hereafter, and do not forget bahagianmu from (Keni` Matan) worldly and do good (to others) as Allah has done good to thee, and seek not mischief on the ( face) of the earth. Allah loves not those who do mischief. "(Al Qashsash, 77)Living a choice. Fortunately for those who choose God as the goal. Messenger tauladannya. Qur'an guide his life. Islamic religion. Jihad the way his fighting. And died on the way of Allah is its highest ideals. Indeed, God's choice is the best option for his servant. Al Balkhi recalled:Beribadahlah to God about the size of your need to God.Take the world (wealth), the size of your age living in the world.Sin to God about the size of your ability to withstand punishment.Prepare supplies in the world about the size of your stay in the tomb.And beramalah to heaven according to the destination.My Lord, the length of reverie in world affairs has made me fooled, love of the world have destroyed my soul. Satan misled. Lust anger me and make me lazy worship closer to the immoral. So, tunjukilah road to ridloMu yes, God!

Do not treat love

Have you see the end of the pemanja love? Have you ever seen a pair of lovers walking hand in hand toward a small room in the corner of the school? Yes! It is said that cursed room often used as a delicious scoop of land. Or your father's age behavior of a man who stopped at a dimly lit shop, stop a few minutes to just drink coffee, then walk away with a souvenir a sexy body that giggled when smooth cheeks pinched? See a girl who walked beside her lover tightly. See also a man who held hands tightly smooth lover, as he kissed her. Then burst from his lips words of persuasion, as payment for the lick-lick he has done. And that may very often you see is when a woman with a tight t-shirt, entering a movie theater company of a man who was an idol of his heart. Have you ever thought about what they are doing in the room was pitch black? Never! And should.When you have to be honest, really at the heart of a man who licked her boyfriend charisma in a narrow space more disgusting was languishing word love? Is it true that in the mind of a father who turned away from meat to rotten meat lejat that dwells in love? Is it true that a woman who was with his girlfriend berkumul in the room was pitch black on the basis of love? Is it true that those who walked arm in arm, touching, and the rest do it for love?When all is a truth, a love which products they use? Who love their work glorifying? Surely we would lay in doubt about love, if during life just thinking about love. Because love is a disease that reject many drugs. Because love will make the wisdom of ignorance and stupidity incarnate life culprit. Even love is like a war, easy to start hard to end it. So, be careful in empowering love, a necessity.Love is like water. He will transform what is a container for him. When love maintained by those nasty, then love is a flame that will melalapnya. If love is played by the rulers who dzolim, it will make it turn away from justice. If love is worshiped by the scholars of evil, it will be born a class of people who call themselves gods. But when love is nurtured by people who are wise, pious deeds even more so, so love is the path to genuine servitude. Into fuel for filial obedience. To become the dew that remedy, be careful who baked for the test burn. And more than that, love will make him fly high to reach the welfare of living in the world to meet with a welcome dengaNya LOVE.

Grandma wild prey

Simalakama comforting like that was not easy to achieve. But the comforting familiarity of a servant would be gained. Most of the people enjoy kemanjaannya in the world. And others save for indulgence in the afterlife. The first group was pleased moan tired of worship and jihad. While the second group the opposite. He prefers a winding road. Among the blasphemies, insults, suffering, even deadly attack.Why is this phenomenon happening? Lovers of world class exposed to whisper a spell that melenakan. He considers the world like a beautiful virgin girl charming. That therefore he loved her and miss her. This is because he sees the world from behind the veil that blinds. So he lived in prejudice and mere wishful thinking. "And if you obey most of the people on this earth, they will lead you astray from the Path of Allah. They follow nothing but mere conjecture, and they are nothing but a lie (against Allah). "(An An'am, 116)While the second group are the scouts accomplished. he knew exactly who was behind the veil of flesh. So he was not going to love her even more crazy about him. Al-Ala ibn Ziyad said: In my dreams, I see people follow something, then I go stalking. I was surprised, it turns out they followed yangh is the elderly woman ugly and wearing some fancy clothes and jewelry. I asked her, you who? He replied, "I'm the world! 'I said,' I pray to God, for menajdikanmu hate me. 'The lady replied,' it happen if you hate money '."Now, what kind of picture of the world in our eyes? Is she a stunning beautiful woman or just a wild old grandmother who was looking for prey.

Take care of their smiles

There are a series of stories about our sisters who languish. Huddled in a dirty room again silent. A world of beautiful unobstructed rod grating contempt. Because of the fragility of his belief in the promise of God that guarantees rijkinya:
"And how many animals are not (to) take (care) rezkinya own. It is Allah who gives provision to him and to you and He is the Hearing, the Knowing. "(Al Ankabut, 60)
Even some of our brothers the same fate. With background, different reasons. He is not the slaves. Not the poor papa. Nor beggars. He is abundant treasures. But her breasts baked from the faith. What made him fall asleep. Treasure him like sea water. That more and more he gained the bertambahkan longing to add to it. Rezki in the can, is just an addition to thirst and thirst will treasure. Until the flood of grace which should be thankful he kufuri. Because pleasure is not felt delicious. And God said, "So eat of the lawful and good of the provision which God has given unto you; and syukurilah ni` mat Allah, if you only worship Him alone. (An Nahl, 114)No wonder. A phenomenon. People no longer tie his tie and shoes off at his palatial home office. But also when he had to enter bars. Just because of corruption. Menistakannya world. And whether contempt of what he would get when facing him. And what's the answer when people hereafter claim to the assets of which in amanahkan him.Thus, the stupidity of the criminals is not due to the lack of knowledge. Instead of science they will treasure abound. Only science as dry crackers in the rainy season. That contract. Destroyed. Why is that? Because of the low faith.Friend would not deny. That sadness when the doom of the evil inflicted ditimpakkan, not only felt by the perpetrator of sin. however, the father of their mother, their siblings, their grandparents, and their other companion taulan, feel kegetirannya.Similarly, a feat that carved out by a teenager. His family, his community, even country, flattering and feel happiness. So, what steps make you proud of Islam?

Intimate war army of love

What is the difference between the army of jihad and the army of love? The fool replied, "Warriors of love filled with peace and love, full of violent jihad warriors and hostility". True? Though the army of jihad realize love fellow with the sacrifice of treasure and even the soul. While the army of love pursue wealth at the expense of others and to argue in the name of love. Laskar Jihad and even shed blood to wake his brother who lives asleep, so they go back to nature namely purify the love of her Lord. Army of love?Only among those dumb people who think by making it blind to his Lord is a proof of love. Only people who think that lies with his brother to make sure that evidence of his Lord's love. While the people hard in defending the faith, firmly realize the commitment, even making an enemy of the criminal world that mocked, harassed and ostracized. An extraordinary carelessness.Never thought the army of jihad was gone. Because of an echo of his soldiers still blaring around the country. Because galloping pace still roaring all the time. Because sweat blood continues to sizzle even, flowing, turbulent and some drips. Because the peak of the glory of jihad is a trickle of blood as a major sacrifice.While most of the prejudice that lies in the skull, the army of love is victorious. Though the nature of the triumph not because berderetnya souls that sprawl because lulled poets poisonous. Nor for the flock-duyunnya soldier blind groping for love. Moreover terseraknya bodies are asleep, late in the whiny hum cradle of the 'gods'.O youth, it's time you open your eyes. And look at the realities of life with the conscious soul. And sambutah word of God, "Do not ever you be deceived by the freedom of moving the infidels in the country." (Ali Imran, 196) With a real step. And soon. Because of that hasty habits devil. Unless hasty in welcoming the call of jihad.Do not ever think that 24 hours of your time is too spare. Because one task can not be perfect in one hour, one day, even one year. Whereas in a day "a thousand" job came before. And demanded settlement. With perfection.Do not ever think you also fight alone. What therefore you blindly in the war. Because your brother is on your side (which you probably do not know him), also could be hurt because sabetan "parangmu". Control yourself in taking up arms. And more mainstream if joined in a perfect line. For the task becomes easier and directed. Does not irregular crisscrossing. Like the foam on the ocean. Is not that organized crime will melululuhlantahkan irregular truth? Quickly choose a role. Although only a banner raisers."Truly Allah loves those who fight in His way in orderly rows as if they were structured like a building firm. (Ash Shaff, 4)And one main thing in fighting in His way is: do not ever think to attack different friends who understand before you destroy all opponents. Moreover, as opposed you make friends. Since the destruction of Muslims, not by the onslaught of opponents, but because of the fragility of kinship.

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